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Online dating safety rules: how to avoid problems?

The online dating sector grows dynamically, involving more and more singles throughout the world. The number of dating platforms expands, and according to experts, this sphere is quite competitive to real meetups; meanwhile, online dating implies some pitfalls, and newcomers should look through safety rules to make the process efficient, meeting their expectations.

Pros and cons of online dating services

While talking about the key-note advantages of dating websites and applications, registered persons highlight the following aspects:

  • Online platforms are giant hubs with millions of people from different countries. One cannot even imagine the opportunity to communicate with people from the USA, Australia, and China simultaneously while dating services make a dream come true.
  • Matchmaking filters are entirely helpful on the way to find your perfect match. For instance, you cannot sort people by age, location, or dating purposes in real life, but dating platforms provide subscribers with such a “superpower”.
  • Psychologists prove that online dating makes a person more freewheeling; hence, that’s easier to ask sex-related questions.

Meanwhile, negative features exist as well; therefore, users should remember about safety rules. The following cons of online dating services come to the front:

  • Many platforms are rich in scammers who open an account to solicit money.
  • There are risks that users have uploaded someone else’s photo and gave false information to seduce other members.
  • Sometimes it’s challenging to switch from online communication to real-life as subscribers are getting used to the “easy-going regime”.

Online dating pitfalls and how to avoid them

Among the most significant pitfalls of online dating, newcomers should remember, the following ones are pointed out:

  1. Although online dating platforms contain crowds of users, the sociologists say that 80% of women are willing to date 20% of the most handsome men; therefore, a service may not meet your expectations.
  2. Your dating purposes may not correspond. For instance, a girl wishes to find long-term relationships, while a man needs to spend a hot night without any responsibilities. Furthermore, about 15-20% of online meetups transform into real ones.
  3. Such platforms protect a person’s anonymity, but those services cannot provide maximum security; therefore, registered members need to understand safety rules. Some platforms place such recommendations in the “Information” section.

Safety rules to remember while using dating websites

The list of the most important safety rules includes the following recommendations:

  • Never tell other members your contact information (phone number, address, full name) and credit card information because many scammers are looking for someone to solicit money.
  • Never follow the links sent by other users, even if you trust a person. Such links are frequently used to steal information from your device or to infect it with a virus.
  • While talking about real meetups, a person should prefer crowded places for a series of first dates: cafes, cinemas, or parks perfectly match this idea. Furthermore, inform someone about your date.
  • When you’ve received offensive messages, threats, or faced other violations of the platform rules, complain about such users, insisting on blocking them.
  • Make your dating goals clear. Be sure that your chosen one wishes the same as you do; otherwise, don’t waste your time.

To join or not to join: that is a question

While looking through pitfalls and safety rules, some people hesitate on whether it’s worth joining dating platforms. Well, we cannot resist modern trends and need to accept reality. Dating platforms gain popularity, and many services are useful. Subscribers need to take care of themselves and find some experts’ reviews to understand which dating services are the most reliable.